Kofi Busi is one of the world’s foremost teachers in the Iyengar tradition. He has been teaching for nearly 40 years, and has held his Advanced Certificate for 35 years. He is one of the few teachers awarded a senior certificate by Mr. Iyengar and has studied with BKS Iyengar many times in Pune, India. He is also a scholar of Sanskrit and has translated the Sutras of Patanjali from the original.

Kofi teaches all levels from beginning to advanced. His level IV-V class is not listed in the schedule and is by invitation only, please contact him for more information you would like to attend.

Weekly Schedule

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Permission required from Kofi for class Level 4-5.


Series price: 10 hours of tuition: $110; 20 hours of tuition: $215; 30 hours of tuition: $320; 40 hours of tuition: $425; 50 hours of tuition: $530.
Drop-In price: 2-hour class $30.

Web: www.kofibusia.com

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Yoga Center Santa Cruz

Yoga does not just change the way we see things, it transforms the person who sees.
B.K.S. Iyengar